Accessible Travel with MosGiTo

Anyone can travel! However, some people face challenges and many would like to travel more comfortably. The travel industry is gearing up to deal with more individuality, diversity, inclusion, demographic change … Through MosGiTo, I, Gisela Moser, aim to guide tourism businesses in Germany on their way towards more comfort – comfort through accessibility.

The way is different for each business involved in tourism.

As an expert in accessible tourism I give keynote speeches, train people involved in the sector from service staff to managing directors, give talks and moderate at events, offer consultations to companies, gather data, translate into (German) simple language, manage projects, create accessible documents, organize accessible events, and assist in the marketing of accessible tourism products.

I have first-hand experience of the support the tourism sector needs, because I regularly accompany elderly and disabled people as a tour guide or assistant on trips and in everyday life.

Gisela Moser an einem FlipChart vor Schulungsteilnehmern

Thinking outside the box is of the utmost importance to me.

Although I mainly offer my support to tourism suppliers in Germany, I also consider international developments in the areas of accessibility and inclusive tourism. I am very interested in finding out how other countries approach these topics – both good and bad examples that we in Germany can learn from.

Do you have experience with the way the tourism sector in other countries deals with the needs of disabled travellers? Can you recommend international events that the German tourism industry should participate in as well?

Please get in touch!

MosGiTo / Gisela Moser
Kalbweg 4a
97346 Iphofen

Phone: 0049 93 23 96 89 851